Styling their beard in brand new ways and coping with the trends is something that guys never get tired of. Apart from the various new styles that are modified versions of the true classics, the Amish style is popular. Amish refers to a group of traditionalist Christian church fellowships with Swiss German and Alsatian Anabaptists. The Amish are generally known for their simple living, plain dress, Christian pacifism, etc. Amish beard styles originated from the Amish people themselves. The beard is conjoined with the hair, and it comes directly to the jawline continuing with the chin, and it grows bigger from the chin and jawline, and there is no facial hair on the face or any mustache.
If you doubt what style your face can pull off, you have landed at the right place. This article is meant to guide you with various looks with which you can modify your basic Amish beard. Thus, if this thought piques your interest, keep reading!
What is an Amish Beard?
Shenandoah beard, also known as Amish beard, chin curtain, Donegal, Lincoln, spade beard, and whaler, is a facial hair or beard style. The hair is grown full and long over the jawline and chin that meets the sideburns, while hair above the mouth is shaved; there is no mustache. Depending on the styles and what a man prefers, there are various shapes, sizes, and manageability. The Shenandoah specifically tends to be longer somewhat than the thin chin curtain beard is a particular style of facial hair or beard that grows along the jawline that covers the chin completely.
Best Amish Beard Styles For Men
1. Traditional Amish Beard

In a conventional Amish beard, the length of the beard doesn’t matter as it varies from person to person. But there’s one thing that men should keep in mind that there cannot be a single stubble heard above the mouth; no sign of a mustache should be visible. Beard can be trimmed every one day or two just to keep it in shape and style. The beard should get proper nutrition, care and is too well-oiled to get a lustrous effect and it also gives the beard a good quality and should be combed properly to maintain the growth with a blonde shade.
2. Short Amish Beard

In short, Amish beard color doesn’t really matter, but the length has to be short to maintain the beard’s name. It can be black, brown, blonde or white. Unlike traditional Amish beards, short Amish don’t need to be properly combed or styled with many nutrients because there is no extra big beard to be fed. A short Amish beard can be worn with casual as well as formal outfits only if the man is confident enough to carry it. It may or may not cover the full chin area, but the sideburns and jawline must be covered with a shaped beard.
3. Dapper Amish Beard

Unlike other Amish beard styles, this Dapper Amish beard is a more modern style Amish beard where the beard is supposed to be kept short and not let it grow till the chest to rock in this style. Here, it is great to keep a light mustache and a soul patch. However, the beard needs good and consistent grooming to maintain this style to get that exact and proper dapper look. This dapper beard style is ideal for a professional person who tends to wear formal clothes and wants to be well-kept at his office.
4. Full And Bushy Amish Beard

A full and bushy Amish beard can be kept with or without a mustache. The length of the beard is near to the chest and can be of any color. Bushy Amish beard is not generally combed or straightened. Instead, it is left with good nutrients and proper care to make it smooth yet bushy. To get a badass or a rough look, the man should always keep a mustache. However, the mustache is not necessary if the man chooses to get a formal and chocolate boyish look.
5. Full Amish Beard With Sideburns

Traditionally, it is seen that Amish people tend to wear elaborate mustaches that were common among the military. So to maintain the pacifism of Christianity, they didn’t want to get engaged with any kind of war, and they stopped wearing mustaches and chose sideburns over that. But now, some people have mustaches as well as sideburns with full Amish and bushy beards, which look amazing to some people.
6. Long Amish Beard With Mustache

There are many Amish beard styles, out of which a long Amish beard with a mustache is trending nowadays. History says a lot about the relationship between keeping a mustache, and it looked like engaging in war, but now it’s the fashion trend that was not there years ago. Men always tend to keep a mustache if they keep a big and long beard, which is a mark of their masculinity. The mustache can be conjoined with the beard to stay longer like the military people of those days.
7. Pointed Amish Beard

Like the goatee beard, there is also a pointed Amish beard where the beard grows long or short and has a pointed tail at the end, in a triangular shape. Here also, there is an option in keeping the mustache and sideburn or not. It can be bushy or straight. Straight pointed Amish beard is preferable to the bushy pointed Amish beard as it is not as attractive as the straight one.
8. Round Trimmed Amish Beard

Round trimmed Amish beard is generally short in size, but the shape of the beard is round as it grows. Beards tend to grow pointed when kept big and long, but here the beard has to be trimmed in such a way so that the round shape is properly maintained. Here the men generally do not keep mustaches to keep the historic decorum alive, but for the sake of style, mustaches give power to the board.
9. Amish Inspired Hipster Beard

Amish and hipster beards go side by side in this style because the beard is straight and bushy to keep the look, and a mustache is a must. Soul patched and sideburns are also listed in this style. It is not long; the maximum length is till the last part of the neck, or else the style won’t rock itself.
10. Shaped Amish Goatee Beard Style

The shaped Amish goatee beard style is unlike all the styles that have been talked about earlier it is completely a different thing. Here the beard is shaped from the sideburns to the jawline and got a goatee shape as it is trimmed, but there is a small lined beard that is shaped upward and small that is straight pointing at the lips.
It was thought that Amish is a traditional look, and it cannot be modified to keep up with the trend. However, many hot Amish beard styles are trending nowadays, unlike the concept of history that was being told to maintain by the Amish people. People undoubtedly look too smart and cool in his style. In the Amish community, a beard symbolizes humanity, manhood, and being typical husband material. Still, this husband material is a clichéd word in today’s world as it is the era of equality. And also, the boys who used to keep traditional Amish beards and were getting married did not use the traditional wedding rings as they believed their tradition was in their beard itself.