Many people do painting as a hobby, some are in the profession of painting and it can be a good stress buster. Watercolors are said to be the hardest art medium and watercolor painting is not very easy. It requires practice and by practicing regularly anyone can enhance their painting skills. If you are not an expert then don’t be sad because in this post we are giving you easy watercolor painting ideas. As well as, below in the post, there is information regarding essentials required for watercolor painting and tips to keep in mind before beginning watercolor painting.

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Easy Watercolor Paintings For Beginners
Essentials Required For Watercolor Painting
If you are a beginner then you must know essentials that are needed for watercolor painting. These are given below:
- Paper: Paper is the basic essential you need for watercolor painting. The surface of paper matters a lot as the rough paper will add texture to your washes since the paint will stay into the little wells of the paper.
- Paint or Color: You can choose a tube or pan colors but make sure that the colors are of high-quality.
- Paint Brushes: While choosing paintbrushes you must consider three things that are their size, hair, and shape. It is recommended that you should use natural hair paintbrushes. Moreover, you can also use flat, angular, round and oval wash paint brusher as per your need.
- Palette: Mostly, watercolor palates are available in plastic or ceramic material as per experts you should ceramic palette.
- Board: You will also need a board and make certain that it is clean.
- Pencil, Eraser, and water: Last but not least, you will also need basic items such as a pencil, eraser and of course water to mix in watercolors.
Tips To Follow Before Starting Your Watercolor Painting
Some of the tips that you should follow before starting watercolor painting are as follows:
- You should have proper art materials such as good quality colors, brushes, paper, and other things.
- For mixing colors you should have a watercolor palette that has more segments.
- You must mix more paint than you plan to use because this way if you run out of your mixed paint in the middle of painting then you won’t have to start over.
- If you are going to use more watercolors then you must use thick paper so that the paper doesn’t buckle.
- For avoiding adding extra water in your painting then you must make sure you dab your washed brush on a paper towel or dry cloth before putting it back into the paint.
- Take care of the water to paint ratio.
- Before you get started, you should prepare your workspace so that you can paint without any disturbances.
- At last, you must be happy and excited before making a watercolor painting so that finally you end up with a perfect painting.
Simple Watercolor Painting Ideas For Beginners
As a beginner, you can try to paint Butterfly using watercolor. Butterflies are very colorful and you can use various colors to make your painting eye-catching. They represent freedom, ability to fly and happiness. You can also paint polka dots in the wings of the butterfly. Be sure to use high-quality watercolors so that you end up making a flawless painting.
Next in the list of easy watercolor painting ideas is Cactus. Painting a Cactus is very easy and when you will complete it you will love it. To make this painting you will need green, pink and black color to outline. Start by painting the base of cactus and then paint pink flowers on it. Finally, using a black sketch pen you can outline the cactus plant to make it perfect.
The landscape is a very popular idea for watercolor painting as a beginner. This is very easy to paint and there are various options in this painting to try various colors. You can paint a river, hills, trees, followers, sun and a lot more as per your desire. Sometimes, people paint landscapes based on their imagination only but if you want then you can also copy it from somewhere.
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Pine Trees
As compared to other trees, pine trees are very easy to paint. This can be a good painting option for learning watercolor techniques properly using a single color. If you want then you can paint only one pine tree or many as per your choice. First, draw the leaves of the pine tree and then its trunk. Then, start coloring it using green and brown color too.
If you are looking to paint an easy watercolor painting then you must try painting a Globe. It is very simple to paint and if done properly then it looks outstanding. Start by drawing a globe and then use blue and green colors to paint continents and ocean. Also, paint a globe stand and highlight the boundaries of the continent using a blue pen.
Grapes are very juicy and are one of the easy watercolor painting ideas. Using watercolor, you can create a beautiful painting of grapes. Additionally, these can be painted using purple or green color as watercolors can be mixed up with each other very easily. So, if you like eating fruits and then you should try this simple watercolor painting.
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Still Life
Many people love painting still life products and it looks wonderful. Still, life painting looks more beautiful when there is reflection and watercolors are perfect for creating a reflection. You can paint jugs, utensils and other still life themes according to your preference. So, you must try once this beautiful painting of still life using watercolors.
Seahorse in real may not look very attractive but when you will paint them using watercolor the painting will look excellent. You can start painting a simple seahorse by filling the outlines with clean water and then by using a brush just add color by color. You can also select your preferred colors and add a few splatters for creating an excellent seahorse painting.
Amongst all the flowers, sunflowers are very easy to paint. As a beginner, you must try painting sunflowers. Use various colors such as yellow, brown and green to make a good painting. Apart from this, if you want then you can also use blue color as the background to depict blue sky.
The guitar is one of those easy watercolor painting ideas which can be easily painted by a beginner. All you need to make this painting is a single color such as blue, brown or any other color. Using an ink pen or sketch you can drawstrings of the guitar. Moreover, keep the background white so that the guitar can be highlighted efficiently.
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Fishes and colorful and looks very beautiful. When you see fishes in Aquarium then you love them, so you must try them painting using watercolors. Start from its head, then body and gills. You can also use a golden color if you want to make a painting of golden fish. Moreover, use a black ink pen to highlight its eye to make it a perfect and attractive watercolor painting.
Poppies Flowers
Poppies flowers are beautiful and are considered as the easy watercolor painting ideas. You can start by outlining using a pencil and then start coloring. There are various options to color these flowers such as color the flower using red watercolor and then you can use green color for stem and blue color as water droplets in background.
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Making an architecture painting sounds to be difficult but when you will start creating it, you will find it very easy. Watercolors offer you to express the correct texture of wood, and brick applying simple as well as easy strokes of art. By using sketch pens you can easily differentiate the buildings and fine features such as doors, windows, and others.
Abstract Painting
Abstract Painting gives you various options such as painting circles, squares, stars, hexagon, and various others as per your preference. If you are a beginner, then you must try this painting to enhance your watercolor painting skills effectively. Choose various colors of your choice to fill in the shapes and create lighter and darker shades where you want.
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Last in the list of easy watercolor painting ideas is Wildlife painting. You can make a painting of various animals such as tiger, elephant, zebra, cat, cow, dot and various others. By mixing watercolors properly you can easily get various textures and features of animals such as feathers and furs. Apart from this, wildlife watercolor painting is a good option for expanding your watercolor painting skills.
Watercolor Painting Images
Painting regularly enhances your artistic skills and you can master this beautiful watercolor art medium. People of any age group can try watercolor paintings. Many people want to do watercolor painting but they don’t know where to start to be a perfect artist. So, if you are a beginner then you must try various easy watercolor painting ideas given above in the post and if you have feedback regarding this article then let us know through your comments.